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Treating Vibration White Finger
Treating Vibration White Finger

How Is Vibration White Finger Treated?

Sadly, while there are ways to reduce the symptoms and some of the pain and other issues associated with Vibration White Finger or Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome, there are as yet no known cures. However there are a range of options for treatment and some lifestyle changes that could help to prevent the symptoms getting any worse.

These include –

Stop using vibrating equipment: Under the Control Of Vibration at Work Regulations there is strong suggestion that the use of vibrating tools should be kept to a minimum, but for those whose jobs rely on their use there is a range of options such as using low-vibration tools wherever possible, taking suitable breaks between using such tools, and ensuring that suitable anti-vibration gloves and other personal protective equipment is used, and fit for purpose. Other options include ensuring that tools are properly maintained and that cutting edges or blades are regularly sharpened to try and minimise the vibration.

Medication: There are certain types of medication that can help sufferers to reduce the most severe symptoms. In many cases the issues are caused by blood vessels becoming constricted, so medicines that help to dilate the vessels can reduce some of the suffering associated with the condition. A drug that is frequently used to relieve the symptoms of Raynaud’s in the UK is called Nifedipine. It is a calcium channel blocker that helps to widen the blood vessels, however it does come with certain side-effects such as headaches, dizziness, constipation and even oedema; a swelling of body parts such as hands and feet due to a build up of fluid. Other medication that has been used include Fluoxetine which can help with depression, and even Sildenafil which is usually used to treat erectile dysfunction but has been seen to have some positive effects against vibration white finger.

Surgery: It is very rare that surgery is used but if the symptoms are so severe that parts of the body are at risk of losing their blood supply entirely a procedure called a Sympathectomy can be performed which involves cutting the nerves that are causing the spasms. Sadly this procedure does not always work and additional surgery might be required after a few years.

Avoidance of some other medications and drugs: some medicines such as decongestants, beta-blockers and migraine treatments can trigger bouts of vibration white finger. Caffeine has also been known to exacerbate symptoms so a reduction in coffee or cola-type drinks can be advisable in some cases. There are other medications that can have a negative affect on symptoms so you should always discuss any medication you are taking with your doctor so that risks of contra-indication can be minimised.

Keep Warm: cold weather and cold conditions can be a major factor in the development and triggering of bouts of vibration white finger. By ensuring that you wear appropriate gloves and /or avoid touching very cold items you can reduce this factor.

Stop Smoking: smoking can reduce the capacity of the narrow blood vessels because the chemicals present in tobacco can make them contract. Reducing blood flow to the extremities of the body is a major factor in vibration white finger and so should be avoided.

Keep fit and eat healthily: in most cases by maintaining a healthy lifestyle your body will be as well equipped as possible to deal with any illness or injury. Keeping your general health in as good a condition as possible will help to reduce the likelihood of illnesses developing, as well as ensuring that if they do, you are best placed to fight them with all of your bodily resources.

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