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Symptoms of Vibration White Finger
Symptoms of Vibration White Finger

Vibration White Finger Symptoms

Identifying the early symptoms of Vibration White Finger or HAVS is critical in reducing the damage that can occur as a result of the condition. Anyone who regularly works with vibrating equipment should be made aware of the risks they are facing, and health surveillance within the workplace of anyone exposed to vibration, cold temperatures, or both, can help in reducing cases of the condition.

Some typical early signs include:

  • A tingling or numbness in one or more fingers after using vibrating machinery
  • A loss of sensation within the fingers, making it more difficult to feel things
  • A reduction on strength within the hands or fingers; it can become more difficult to pick up or hold heavy objects
  • The tips of your fingers going white, then red and being painful as they do so – this typically happens in the cold and wet or after using vibrating equipment

If someone continues to use vibrating tools – whether in cold conditions or normal day-to-day temperatures – it is likely that the symptoms will become worse. This might include:

  • The numbness in your fingers and hands could become permanent and you could experience a loss of sensation and an inability to feel things with your hands or fingers at all
  • You could begin to have difficulty picking up small objects such as coins, screws or nails
  • The colour changes and associated pain might increase in frequency and could affect more of your fingers

It is important to note that while these symptoms are synonymous with Vibration White Finger or Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome, there are other possible causes of some of these symptoms. If you have any concerns about the health of your hands, fingers and wrists you should speak to your doctor with a view to identifying what could be causing the issues.

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Claiming For Your Vibration White Finger

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If you are unsure whether you have a claim for VWF as a consequence of your work environment, then call our personal injury claims team for free for no obligation advice on making a claim. They will ask you some simple questions about your condition, talk to you about what’s happened and can tell you if you have a viable claim for compensation or not. Call us 24/7 on 0800 122 3130.

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